
Sunday, Part II

Ok, I officially love homemade mac & cheese so much, sometimes I want to marry it. I’m kidding, of course.

Today was a weird day. I did not feel like running or going to the gym. But I did decide to go to the mall after my mom asked me to go with her. She had some returns to make at Nordstrom. I figured walking around the mall would be better than being cooped up in the house all day.  I walked about 5,000 steps at the mall, so I guess getting out there was worth it. 🙂

I bought two pieces of running clothing while at Nordstrom. At one point I wondered if I had more running clothes than work clothes. Even though it seems like this might be true, it is not. I wish I could run more than I have to work – that much is true !

Is it weird that watching the US Marathon Olympic trials made me cry?  It was heart wrenching to watch the fourth place finishers. I was so happy that Kara Goucher made the team, and I think the women’s marathon team is really strong this year. I am excited to watch the event this summer.

I had mac and cheese for dinner. I decided to add some grilled chicken to the side, along with carrots and peas. I felt a little bit better that I had a good combination of protein, etc. for dinner. I might have more mac later though.

I am tired and I will probably go to bed early tomorrow. I am definitely going to the gym early tomorrow. I hope I am more excited about this tomorrow – because right now I just want to crawl into bed and sleep in tomorrow morning!

It is still very cold here. Which is probably why I feel like hibernating.

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